Monday, June 24, 2013

GSoC Report Week 1:

 Finally, the much awaited summer coding period has started. I am already feeling very enthusiastic about it.
For the first week, I have been working on an detailed API, alongwith functions(their arguments and return values). Everything is being fleshed out.

Also we(other PyDy members) have been holding discussions on various facets of implementations, how and what would be done for effective visualizations.

An illustrative example has also been made, which utilizes different methods from the new API, to demonstrate the complete workflow.
The illustrative example can be checked here:

And the API is in development form and can be checked here:

Once the API is in a more finished form it can be ported to a more relevant location(link).
In the coming week I hope to write some functions following the API, and related documentation and tests too.



Friday, June 14, 2013

First Step(Summer is Coming!!)

Coding Season is starting from 17 June, and community bonding period has been a good time, to connect with the people from the organization, and some brainstorming sessions on IRC on when and how things should be done.
 Some things have been sort out, and  some remains to be, but hopefully those will be sorted soon too.

Meanwhile I have been able to write a example, in the form of an IPython notebook, which although loosely implemented, describes the workflow we intend to accomplish in this coding season.

The example is based on the simulation of a simple mass spring system.

The workflow comprises of following steps:

1) Defining basic symbols (mass,gravity,stiffness etc.)

 2) Generate a Particle object, using built in mechanics Particle class.(sympy.physics.mechanics.Particle)

3)Define forces on particle.

4)Generate a Kane object for the particle.

5)Utilizing Kane object to generate symbolic equations of motion.

6) Using partially implemented code generation methods to generate numerical solutions to the equation of motion of the particle.

7) Passing the numerical values to the roughly implemented Javascript methods to simulate the motion in the output cell of IPython notebook.

Looks good so far. Feeling excited to start the coding session, writing some codes!! ..