The last two weeks have been a little too hectic. I have been working on writing the source code for classes from Python side, and they are nearing the completion.
This is the week for midterm evaluations, and as per the timeline, I was supposed to completely finish the python part by now. Although most of the stuff is complete, I have one or two days work to be left to be done.
I have finished with Shape, and VisualizationFrame classes. Also yesterday I just finished writing complete code for Camera classes.
There were two instances for Camera, one is PerspectiveCamera, and other is Orthographic Camera.
The Camera class is inherited from VisualizationFrame class, which would make it inherit the generation of simulation data. This has very much utility for the fact that we can attach a camera to any moving object in our system, and hence we have moving cameras, which is an aide for the effective visualizations.
Another approach we have been thinking upon is the possibility of applying multiple cameras to a system, which can effectively be tied upon different moving objects. and they can be switched by a keystroke in the browser.
It would be kinda cool to see an animation from one camera, and then we can switch it to a different camera, in between the animation, without any extra pain, with a keystroke.
Anyways the priority is to get the basic functionality up, and then we can add these and many other features, as time permits.
Another concept which requires a little brainstorming is the Lighting. I am thinking of letting user choose where and what type of lights they want in their system.
These lights can be added in Scene class. and most probably they can also be inherited from VisualizationFrame class, giving them also the capability of motion, rather than static lights.
This is the week for midterm evaluations, and as per the timeline, I was supposed to completely finish the python part by now. Although most of the stuff is complete, I have one or two days work to be left to be done.
I have finished with Shape, and VisualizationFrame classes. Also yesterday I just finished writing complete code for Camera classes.
There were two instances for Camera, one is PerspectiveCamera, and other is Orthographic Camera.
The Camera class is inherited from VisualizationFrame class, which would make it inherit the generation of simulation data. This has very much utility for the fact that we can attach a camera to any moving object in our system, and hence we have moving cameras, which is an aide for the effective visualizations.
Another approach we have been thinking upon is the possibility of applying multiple cameras to a system, which can effectively be tied upon different moving objects. and they can be switched by a keystroke in the browser.
It would be kinda cool to see an animation from one camera, and then we can switch it to a different camera, in between the animation, without any extra pain, with a keystroke.
Anyways the priority is to get the basic functionality up, and then we can add these and many other features, as time permits.
Another concept which requires a little brainstorming is the Lighting. I am thinking of letting user choose where and what type of lights they want in their system.
These lights can be added in Scene class. and most probably they can also be inherited from VisualizationFrame class, giving them also the capability of motion, rather than static lights.