Tuesday, July 2, 2013

GSoC Report Week 2

So, week two has also ended.

I have found several ideas and new features to implement from various people in the community.
We have finished fleshing out the API, although a few things need to be fleshed out.

As recommended from my mentor, I would be doing test-driven development for the project.

We have discussed the base classes , and the coming two weeks would be dedicated to writing sole tests for the classes, related to python part of the project.
As a part of improvised timeline, we have decided to keep this month of July, for coding the python side of the project, and after midterm evaluations,. I would be working on the Javascripts.

The interaction between the Python and Javascripts would take place with the JSON objects, either written in the form of JSON Objects or as written to files.

This approach would help to provide required level of modularity to the project.
Another major approach to modularity is to make the visualization module(from python side) independent of the mechanics package, i.e. it need not know whether the visualization data comes from sympy.physics.mechanics, or from any other software which could provide the output in the form desired tby the module.
Although the focus is to make the project as mechanics friendly as possible, but still trying to maintain the modularity, and every major API decision is being taken with this point in view.

This week, I will focus on writing some tests, and commit them to the repo.



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